Grace Stephenson
Oct 3, 2023
Barbiecore and Hollywood’s Use of Pink
The release of Greta Gerwig’s Barbie has caused the color pink to flood the internet and the streets in the past couple of months.
Alexandra Smithie
Oct 3, 2023
Van Gogh’s Cypresses: It’s Not That Deep
The art world is infamously lofty, shielded from the public by centuries of elite scholarship and stashed in private collections, bank...
Olivia Baisier
Sep 29, 2023
Money, Power, Glory: Taylor Swift’s The Eras Tour
The Eras Tour is the cultural sensation that will define 2023, and Taylor Swift is an inferno scorching the earth behind her as she makes...
Jasper Hunsinger
Apr 29, 2023
Hands Off My Hardcore: An Examination of the 2020s “Breakcore” Revival
What is Breakcore? What is the “Amen Break” and why is it the most sampled sound in music history?
Shajaka Shelton
Apr 28, 2023
Anime Is an English Teacher’s Best Friend
Japanese animanga series 'Bungo Stray Dogs' is responsible for a microrevival of classic literature.
Connor Lammas
Apr 28, 2023
A Meditation on Finality: Albums About Death
As a the most final stage of human existence, death makes itself known most poignantly and articulately in art.
Benjamin Fishbein
Mar 25, 2023
Part Man, Part Machine, All Cop: Identity and Revenge in 'RoboCop' (1987)
RoboCop (1987), directed by Paul Verhoeven and written by Edward Neumeier and Michael Miner, is often analyzed in connection with its...
Micaeli Dym
Mar 25, 2023
Revolution Girl Style Now!: Punk, Feminism, and Intersectionality
As an angsty teenage girl, little was as comforting to me as Alanis Morrissette's gritty voice and beautiful words.
Brendan Carroll
Feb 18, 2023
Lofi Girl & the Echoes of Japan
While the history of lofi may blend into the background (like the music itself), its influence remains, as ignorable as it is interesting.
Dash Barnett
Feb 17, 2023
Toxic: Drake, Future, and the Male Rap Persona
On 2014’s Monster, rap artist Future Hendrix was fighting demons, and it was completely unclear who was winning.