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Indy Suggests: Georgetown Cabaret

Tommy Batterman

Do you like rock? Do you like R&B? Do you like rap? Do you like music? Do you have plans for the night of Thursday, Feb. 28? If you answered yes, no, or maybe to any of those questions, then Georgetown Cabaret is absolutely the show for you. This year marks the 43rd annual Georgetown Cabaret, a rock and roll spectacular showcasing Georgetown University’s best instrumentalists and vocalists. A musical variety show, Cabaret encompasses a wide variety of genres and musical styles; look for songs by the Beatles, Stevie Wonder, Lady Gaga, and everyone in between. Each song has been meticulously orchestrated and rehearsed for hours on end by Georgetown students; even if you are not the biggest music person, the show is absolutely worth it as a great social event and a way to support your musical peers here at Georgetown. Picture it: it’s the last school night before spring break, exams are done (mostly), and the smell of your pleasantly manicured lawn back home in New Jersey or Westchester or Connecticut is beckoning. What better way, then, to ring in a week and a half of work-free liberty than by joining 500 other Georgetown students for a jaw-dropping musical event? If this seems too much like a shameless plug, that would be because it is. But seriously, Georgetown Cabaret is not something to miss. The concert will take place on Thursday, Feb. 28 at 8:30 p.m. at the U Street Music Hall. Tickets are available online via the concert Facebook page.


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