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Indy Suggests: "Tidying Up with Marie Kondo"

Alexis Gorfine

I remember when my mom first discovered The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Japanese author Marie Kondo. That week, my home was turned upside down. My mother tidied and went through dressers and boxes, thanking objects and clothes and finding out if they sparked joy. I, too, became fascinated with the concept, clearing out my closets and book collections. You can imagine my intrigue when I saw over winter break that Netflix had partnered with Ms. Kondo to create a series, Tidying Up with Marie Kondo. After watching the episodes—which can be watched in any order—I, too, could not help but want to reorganize all of my dresser drawers, folding my socks so they can breathe and placing my miscellaneous, small items in delicate boxes.

In the series, Marie Kondo visits American households to help families and couples organize, declutter, and return their spaces to home-y and livable states. She and her clients spend a moment thanking the home before they attack clutter made by clothes, books, papers, miscellaneous items, and sentimental items (in order). Whether the clutter is overwhelming or more hidden, Kondo helps people not only organize their lives, but also, in the process, find the importance of connecting with people instead of things.

Check out season one of Tidying Up with Marie Kondo now on Netflix, and get ready to live your most organized life!


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