Love at first sight is BS because love makes you look twice.
You look once and do a double take
Because you see these golden lights
And wedding bells are going off in your head
In your mind you’re already in white—
Then they turn the corner and reality hits your face
And this must give you a concussion or something
Because tomorrow you’re in that exact place
Looking for them again.
Because let’s be honest
Love isn’t satisfied with just one taste.
No, love has you back for seconds and thirds
Skip the confession your vow has like 10,000 words
And it’s the length of a dissertation.
And naturally when I say it like that
We suddenly don’t want to do it.
Because dissertations are lots of work
And we’re not sure yet if love’s worth it.
But I said love wasn’t at first sight, not that it had meaning
Because I still said you’d fall in love with someone you’re just seeing
And this is the point where I admit this poem is misleading—
Because I am blind.
Sike, not actually, but I might as well be?
Because I’ve never imagined white on me?
And no bells have ever rung
Except for the one
That rings at 11
Which is when my class starts
And also when I start running…
I thought all this running with hair in my face
Was what had me missing true love’s bright face
But even with a face on my screen
I was blind to what love at second sight really means…
It means Hollywood has rotted our minds.
Because, to be honest, the hottest thing I’ve ever got from a guy
Was a heart react
On a compliment I overanalyzed
About his taste in pies…
I’m acting cooler than I should by dragging Hollywood
So this is the point where I reveal I’m a fraud.
Because late at night when I’m talking to God
I’m upset he didn’t make me a face
That makes them all do double takes.
Because when the best thing about you is that you are nice
Love doesn’t look your way once, let alone twice.
I really wanted to end this poem with the bang
Beat myself down, and then I would say
That I love myself!
I’m perfect my way!
But looking in the mirror I can’t seem to say
All the white lies that I wish were true.
So, this is the best that I can do:
Love at first sight is BS because love makes you look twice
And thrice and whatever is 4 times
Love makes you keep looking until you realize
To capture the beauty of person like you
Love needs way more than eyes…
And who needs love anyway because beautiful
Has u and i while love has really nothing.