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Mac Miller's Faces

Arjun Chhabra

Mac Miller mixtape Faces is a fan favorite for obvious reasons: jazz instrumentals, introspective lyrics, and full creative freedom blend together to make one of the most memorable jazz rap records of the 2010s. Originally released in 2014 for free download on the internet, the project was re-released in October 2021 to all streaming platforms. In this mixtape, Mac opens up about his struggles with drug addiction and mental health—topics he did not cover on previous projects. This, combined with Mac’s seamless use of wordplay, humor, and storytelling, turns every song into a rollercoaster of emotions filled with punchline after punchline. Features like Earl Sweatshirt and Rick Ross brilliantly highlight Mac’s versatility.

Watching Movies with the Sound Off and Faces show a new maturity in Mac’s music, both sonically and personally, from his entrance into the second stage of his career. You can hear the themes of his songs and the complexity of the instrumentals transitioning from KIDS-era Mac to the Mac who released Swimming and Circles, which is something very remarkable about his discography. If you are a fan of Mac, I have no doubt you have this mixtape in rotation already. If you don’t know Mac Miller, you are in for a treat.

Photo credit by Warner


Chhabra is a Freshman in the NHS studying Global Health.



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