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Studio Ghibli Series

Ashitaka and San from Princess Mononoke For quite some time now, Landmark’s West End Cinema has held showings of the movies from the Japanese animation film studio Studio Ghibli. This month, they will be showing Princess Mononoke , a brilliant film directed by Hayao Miyazaki, who is best known for having created Spirited Away . The showings will take place on March 17 and 18, each day at 10:30am. The showing of the 17 will be in English, while the showing of the 18 will be in Japanese with English subtitles. This series will continue throughout the year, with Miyazaki’s My Neighbor Totoro showing on April 14 and 15. If you grew up watching Miyazaki’s films, then be very excited! Even if you have only heard of Spirited Away or have never watched a single one of his animated films, then please use this as an opportunity to enjoy a beautiful work of art. These showings are excellent ways to fill your weekends with wholesome joy without demanding any more than two hours. PC: Mostafa 3D / Flickr

Studio Ghibli Series


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